Friday, July 09, 2004

You asked for it!

Well, I did promise I'd say how the Jenga got into my grooming post, if ONE person asked.

First, let me make clear for my non-regular readers (Hi, Deidre!) that apprenticing with Valerie is *not* the paying job I was talking about. I don't get paid (yet! *grin*) for working with Valerie. I drive 3 hours one way to groom with her, pay for a motel room so I can spend the night, and don't get paid a thing. Yep, she's that good. :-) I'm bathing for her, and am now learning the finer points of HV drying and brushouts. I guess I'm doing OK on the bathing now, because she hasn't mentioned anything to me about dirty ears lately. Of course, we haven't had a cocker come in lately, either. At least not on my watch.

But I had to find a paying job, to keep myself afloat until I can start making money grooming. So I work as a temp at CheckFree Corp, the electronic money-movers. If you have ever joined a fitness club that debits your checking account every month, you were probably doing business with CheckFree. If your bank has online bill payment services, there's an excellent chance it's through CheckFree. If you get electronic bills from your electric company or your credit card... well, you guessed it.

Anyhow, I'm in training to be a customer service call center employee. We are learning TONS of information, and we have review sessions every morning. To get us revved up, Kelly, our trainer, usually does the reviews in the form of some game or another. We've done Hollywood Squares (Do you agree or disagree with the answer Person X gave?) and we've done Jeopardy (I'd like Processing Codes for 500, please), and we've done Jenga.

The deal with the Jenga was pretty cool. She divided us all up into 2 teams, and the teams took turns answering questions. A correct answer got the team 2 points (1 if they had to use notes) and they had to pull one Jenga block. A wrong answer got the team no points, and they had to pull TWO blocks. Knocking over the Jenga would have been 5 points to the other team. My team won on points, and the Jenga tower outlasted the game! A few brave souls even pulled extra blocks out after the game was over. One woman kept saying how weird it was to play Jenga while sober. heh.

I had never played Jenga before, and was amazed at how adept everyone was at pulling those little blocks out! Thankfully, I only had to pull one block, but I did not knock down the tower. :-) I'm no longer a Jenga virgin.

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