Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Late Post About Last Weekend

I've done it again. I waited too long to post to the blog and now can't remember much about what happened.

I do remember letting another Cocker get by with scrungy ears on Friday, and dreaming about Cocker Scrunge in my hotel room Friday night. Valerie said she will show me how scrungy ears feel when the dogs come in, so maybe I'll be able to recognize them as needing an extra wash before they get out of my tub.

There was also a Mini Schnauzer who should have had Listerine applied to get some yuk out of his beard. I'll have to remember that too.

We tried Refurbish conditioner and a nice plum-scented conditioner as well. Refurbish has silicone in it, which makes the hair very smooth. TONS of hair comes out with the HV dryer after Refurb has been used. We patch-tested these two conditioners as well as a blue shampoo, and got no reaction, which is a big YAY. Next step is the grooming spray, which gets blown into the air with the HV dryer, and may or may not have silk in it. I've got a prescription for Epi-Pen, and will make sure I have one on-hand when we do that. I really appreciate how well Valerie is treating me during this. Some groomers out there would probably tell me to wear a mask or just to take a hike. THANKS, Valerie!

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