Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Chopping On Chopper

Valerie did the one on the right, and I did the one on the left. Sorry for the cut hair all over!

Valerie trimming whiskers on very patient Chopper

Valerie trimming Chopper's ear

Valerie let me clip Chopper, and I earned a 'not too bad' on his smooth parts. Valerie diplomatically refrained from saying 'you suck' when she had to rescue me again on the legs and other hard parts though! I did part of his ears, too. AND scissored his feet. Three of them, anyway. And it only took me about half an hour for each one! hahahaha. That dog was almost enough to get me over my anti-Cocker prejudice. He was so patient on the table, aside from a discouraging tendency to flop into a sit. But I would have been trying to take some weight off my feet, too, if my groomer had been so darn slow.