Friday, June 18, 2004

Angie Update

Remember Angie, the snappish, skittish black Standard Poodle from a long time ago? Well, she came in today, and, like Valerie promised the first time we saw her, her new owner has made a WORLD of difference in that dog. Angie was bouncy and happy in the shop, and a docile little lady on the table. She was like a different dog altogether. Where's the pod? This is what TLC and plenty of exercise will do for a dog. She rested her chin in Valerie's hand while Val was doing her face. She gave kisses, and I have a picture of one to prove it. Angie is still a little touchy about her feet, but Valerie will probably be able to get her over that. It's just an *amazing* difference.

Angie Smooching Valerie Posted by Hello

Tomorrow is a busy busy day! A Golden, a Shar-Pei, a Sheltie, a Basset, Bianca the Maltese and her buddy Rascal the Yorkie, and more! Valerie says that the Sheltie will be mine from start to finish. I'll post about that afterwards!

I also have pictures to post... I've got some from my visit to Vanity Fur, a couple of Angie, and will try to take some tomorrow, too. Look for pics early next week.

In other news, I am going to have to get a paying job SOON. I've been putting it off and putting it off, but I'm hoping that by putting it in writing here, my devoted readers (all two of them) will stay on my ass enough to help keep me motivated. Or get me motivated. Or offer me a place to live if I get my house repossessed. hehehehe

More on this weekend when I get home from girls' night out tomorrow! Lori, Kris, maybe Gretchen, and I are going to play. I believe we're going to have dinner at a Mexican food place, and then paint pottery and drink wine!

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