Monday, May 17, 2004

Finders Keepers??

On a suggestion from one of the listmembers that someone should distill these posts and put them on a website somewhere, here I go. :-)

"I found the most interesting thing in a dogs coat today. I have found everything from twigs and leaves to burrs and chewing gum but this was a first for me. I found a human hair roller in the dogs hair. I was bathing this slightly matted scottie today and found what i thought was a mess of burrs. So I worked at getting the burrs out and low and behold out pops this roller. I finished with the bath, put the dog in a dryer and took the "burr" up to the front to show my coworkers as I was trying to keep a straight face to show them this "disgusting thing" I found in this dogs coat... hehe I thought they were going to wet their pants.. we decided that I needed to write something cute in the
groomer's notes on his report card. I wrote " We sure enjoyed Olie's immitation of a poodle !!!" The owner thought it was funny and said we made her day.

P.S. I didn't know people still wore those velcro type curlers anymore... not
to mention dogs... hehe what have some of you found?

Ohhh, didn't the floodgates open at that! I was very very surprised at some of the responses. I'm going to post all the ones that I can find here.

"You name it, IT'S In THERE! LOL I have found barbed wire, fishing hooks and sinkers, crayons, tons of candy, safety pins (that were definitely NOT safe!) once a needle & thread, sponges woven into matts. Can't think of anything else right now, but I think anything you can imagine that is small enough to get in a dog's coat, I have seen in it!"

"some of the stranges things that I have found are. fishhooks, barbed wire, a book of matches, suckers-you know the big $1.00 ones-, tar, grease oil, pop can- it was chewed up and in a collies coat-, and a baby's spoon. I never get shocked anymore, but when the vets pulled a pair of scissors out of a dogs coat- he was brought in cause every time he sat down he yelped. that got me."

"lets see a collar that had been forgotton and was buried in the coat...and this one just lately....the rolled top of a condom....around the front foot"

"We had a cocker come in a couple of weeks ago, with about 4 curlers stuck in her hair under her body and between her legs. I called the owner and asked her if she was missing some curlers. We had a good laugh about that one. She did say she wondered why the dog was not walking as fast as she normaly does"

"I found 2 fishing hooks in a matted Shihtzu...luckily in the mats and not in the dog."

"Saddest Thing was a long forgotten choke chain collar embedded in a Collie's neck, it was almost an inch deep in some places. We shaved with a #40 blade around the neck to the collar, cut the collar into, pulled it out, cleaned the wound and sent dog to the Vet. Except for a permanent scar, it made a full recovery."

"I once stripped a chow that was so dirty and heavily matted it actually had a dandelion - taken root, growing and healthy right in the coat. Talk about a hardy little sucker - no wonder you can't kill them. Dandelions, roaches and fleas will one day rule the earth....."

"Some of the things I've found in dogs coats are...bubble gum, scotch tape, three flea collars on one dog, a rubber band around an ear, a human Red Toenail clipped, a dead roach. Yuch!"

"I found a piece of window screening, about a 3x4 piece, embedded in the shaved pelt on a toy poodle! Thankfully, the little guy is now on a 6-week schedule."

"The strangest thing I've found was a Barbie Doll Shoe matted into the hair."

"I have found pieces of barbed wire matted up in coats before...also found a little plastic what might have come off a can of pringles or something.....that was weird."

"I once found a screen piece, round that smelled vaguely of marijuana in a lhasa's coat.
That gave me a new perspective of the owners!"

"HAHA! I used to groom a Sheltie in PA that reeked of Patchouli when he came in, then when you wet him... OMG You could have gotten high from the pot smell! LOL He was a VERY calm Sheltie!"

"I have found old stiches.....and heard of a dog nasty matted in really bad shape..went to one vet for treatment and it had a small area shaved on its leg and a cath put in place for IV treatment and meds... it was sent home under the instructions to return to the vet for recheck and cath removal and later...grooming....they never went back.....week or so later, they take the dog to be boarded at a different vet....this unaware of any of the prior goings on...the dog lays in the kennel and chews on the cath that is STILL in the nearly bled out, it had chewed off the end of the cath, not pulling it completely was very nearly dead when the kennel folks
found it .....blood pooled everywhere....YUCK I guess these would be termed as Vet hoppers...they just go from one vet to another.....and never disclose any full history on the animal in question.... I cant even imagine how horrible that must have been...UGH Some people!"

"OMG I could write a book........
coat hanger
screen wire
barbed wire
every known seed/burr on the planet
several different types of collars ,some grown into the skin
GI Joe men
every kind of tape on the planet..(my favorite: the type left on by vets who tape legs after heartworm checks and the dog comes in months later)
every kind of bug on the planet including maggotts
tree sap
and everything stuck to it
melted crayon
pieces of plastic food bowls
tin foil
but the very best..personal experience was a white standard in full show coat that my father out out to pp and she decided to go to the barn..and soaked in the green alge in the creek behind the barn..and was green for weeks after....."

"One of my worst "finds" was a multi-barbed fishhook. Oh, I forgot the Black Widow spider! The cutest was a Lhasa that came in with about eight velcro hair curlers wrapped up in his fur. It wasn't so cute trying to pry them out, however."

"Hmm lemme think~
Cheese doodle
Fish hook
Rubber band (not in topknot)
rocks (marble size)
Very large poky thistle flower
6 inch long rose bush twig, with thorns
peach pit
Carmel toffee
Duct Tape
Chunk of metal pipe 2" long
3" Screw
part of a head gasket from a car
necklace chain"

"I wasn't going to reply to this but... here goes an OES with a Kabob skewer
attatched to his leg. and a big ol hairy WhatEver with a condom buried in its
matted coat"

"Is someone keeping track of all of these? Perhaps this is another list that should be posted on a webpage :-)"

Ask and ye shall receive!

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