Thursday, May 27, 2004

$210.46, And a Full Weekend Ahead

Ordered my LIPSystem on the phone today! Stainless steel model, with the G-TNT discount, and the Valerie discount, too. Excellent! I can't wait till it comes. I had it sent directly to Valerie's shop, so I won't have to haul it down myself. Whooo-eee! I'm going to feel like SUCH a pro when it gets there and we can hook it up to my little table. Enough of a pro that *maybe* I'll overcome the feeling of ineptitude I get whenever I look at Lori's cat Ferris, whom I mangled - I mean TRIMMED - for her last week. Ferris was a very good boy for most of it, but I'll definitely need to tidy him up a bit. Maybe I can do that while I'm checking on her critters this weekend. I'm going to be heading down to Valerie's at 6am tomorrow morning, and heading back to Columbus Saturday afternoon. I'll stop by Lori's Saturday before I come home, then again on Sunday. Whew!

I've decided that I'm probably going to end up being as much of a nutcase about keeping my clipper blades clean as I am about keeping my guns clean. When I ran over that tick 2 weeks ago, my blade got tick-blood in it, and I've been fretting about it ever since. *rueful smile* Maybe I'll get over the obsession. Maybe not. Time'll tell! I think I should probably get a jar of blade-cleaning solution, so I don't have to use Valerie's up just to cater to my own compulsions. :-)

Valerie says there's a grooming show in August in Chicago. It would certainly be great fun to go, not least of all because they are going to have a demo on Komondorok, and how often do you get to see THAT? I'm close enough to drive, and that'll save money on airfare... but then again, considering that I paid $2.13 a gallon for gas earlier this week, maybe flying would be cheaper. :-(

More later!

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